Deceased Person’s Data

Do you need access to a deceased loved one’s data?
Unlock online accounts, precious photos and more.

Unlock a deceased relative’s online accounts, or recover valuable photos

We can collect records and evidence from cell phones, computers and tech companies to help resolve a wide range of issues

We specialize in data recovery from computers and devices, and in gaining access to online accounts such as Facebook, Gmail, iCloud and more. Our expert legal team will request log-in credentials from any tech company that has stored or collected data from a deceased person.

What we do

Work with our experienced team to find the truth

Our expert forensics investigators can extract precious photos and documents, even if they are hidden or deleted.

Clues from devices and computers can show events and communications in the days before a death.

We help you access a deceased loved one’s online accounts.

Use our detailed, legally admissible report in court or at deposition.

We are ready to help you!

Contesting a will? Disputing distribution of an estate or trust?
  • Discovering relevant digital evidence
  • Deleted digital evidence
  • Identifying forged digital evidence
  • Preservation digital evidence
  • Digital forensics reporting
  • Identifying on intentional destruction of evidence

Whether you are in active litigation or are thinking about hiring probate or estate attorney, digital forensic evidence will help you achieve better results

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Cases that could result in locked data


We may be able to uncover things police investigators might have missed. Our digital investigation services can recover data such as text messages, call logs, GPS location logs, emails, photos and social media posts to build a concrete timeline to shed light on the case.


Computer forensics can unlock digital evidence that may reveal circumstances or emotions that led up to the death. Texts, emails, browser history and more can reveal previously unknown relationships, activities or conversations that may provide answers.

Missing persons

Our team can use IP address recognition to unlock the missing person’s last recorded interactions by email, social media or other online accounts. We can build a complete digital fingerprint, tying all of a person’s online activities together to form a starting point that might lead to finding them.

Accidental death

Our digital forensics investigators can provide valuable insight on activities that led up to the death. We may be able to help you find answers, and peace of mind.

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With vast experience in digital data recovery, CFI provides expert digital forensics consulting and services for legal professionals, as well as corporations, governments and Private Investigators (PI).

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